So yesterday was a stressful day... I discovered, in passing of course, two deadlines that I was not aware of. This means that I had a minor freak out last night... minor being a panic level of 4 on a scale of 10. With that stressed out, tight feeling in my chest growing, I prayed, listened to mellow tunes, and attempted to focus on the tasks at hand. I was sort of successful at it.
However, this morning after my delicious cup of coffee, everything I was worried about yesterday shifted. The gigantic events of 24 hours ago that consumed about an hour's worth of my life, shrouding it in worry and anxiety, had minimized. Due to the understanding of a wonderfully caring professor and a super productive block of free time, the obstacles disappeared.
This is like our lives. Whatever we are going through right now, whether you are in school, in a job, in a marriage,in a friendship,or in a family, we all have times where we feel overwhelemed. We all have times where the mountains seem too high, where we feel too alone, and where there is simply not enough time. But in the morning after a prayer, a good conversation with loved ones, a good night's sleep, or a good cup of coffee, everything can change.
We feel like we are stuck in these stressful times, but the truth is, change is coming. Like wonderfully cool Fall follows the sweltering heat of Summer, life moves on. The anxiety, the stress, the pain...none of this can last forever. They are the seasons of our lives that we must go through, but JOY, thank the Lord, always follows!