He was small, blind, and shaking when we first met. His small orange paws clung to my shirt and my earrings and my hair--whatever he could grasp. As I knelt down in front of him, he purred at the sound of my voice, coming toward it, head bent to feel the warmth of touch.
From the moment I saw him, I was smitten with that peculiar love that grows for once lost things. Abandoned in the middle of the road, this helpless creature had a very low chance of survival. Cars, careless people, larger animals, and the harsh elements of nature were gigantic foes that seemed insurmountable. But, one compassionate act led to another (as most compassionate acts do), and he was rescued from the highway and brought safely indoors. What to do with him then? He could not become a permanent fixture in the office, and as attached as I had become, I simply could not keep him.
Lucky for us, some of my closest friends had the space in their home (and their hearts) for a new pet. He was adopted. Now, he is a loved, protected, and important member of the family. One of the first times I came over to see him in his new environment, my friend commented on how much I must love a good rescue story...she knows me well. You see, it's very true.
I am a sucker for a good rescue story. I clap my hands for joy (every time) when Aslan charges over the hill, roars, turns the tide of battle, and saves the day. I cry tears of happiness when the Eagles rescue Sam and Frodo from imminent death on the disintegrating Mt. Doom. My heart flutters when Ivanhoe is victorious and Rebecca is saved from an unjust execution. There is just something unbelievably and unexplainably satisfying to me about a good rescue story in a book, a movie, or on television--but what about in my own life?
Truth is, we are all in the middle of our own rescue stories. For some of us, we are still in the thick of battle. It is dark. We are surrounded, and we are afraid. For others, we've just been liberated and celebrations abound. Still for others, we are facing the beginning of an uncertain and arduous path, where villians and shadows are certain to dwell.
But, we MUST remember it is a RESCUE story! It is going to be ok, because there is no path too dark, no shadow too large, and not battle too fierce that it places us outside the reach of the Author. So, whatever chapter you are in...hold onto hope. No chapter lasts forever and the ending of the story is guaranteed to be worth it!