Have you ever prayed for something for an extended period of time?
If so, you understand how frustrating it can become when you pray and pray and pray... but you do not receive an answer to your question or a fulfillment to your request.
It feels as if your prayers are trapped by the clouds. They don't quite go anywhere. Sometimes, you are tempted to ask, "God, do you even hear me? Do you see me?"
That was my question last night...
And my answer came this morning...
I have been making my way through the Psalms. This morning, I read Psalm 17-21. In Psalm 17:6, I read something that made me stop, causing tears to well up in my eyes.
"I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God."
This might be one of the hardest parts of faith: Believing in spite of our feelings.
All we can do is pray with confidence, knowing that God will answer in HIS TIME and according to HIS WILL. Even though we feel like God does not hear us, see what we are going through, and understand our pain, we have to have faith that He does. We cannot rely on our feelings. God is a promise-keeper. I have seen fulfilled promises and answers to prayers more times than I can count. Why would he behave differently this time?
I pray because I know he will answer. What a wonderful lesson to re-learn.
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