"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." ~Psalm 37: 23
My life feels absolutely ordinary. In all honesty, most of my days are spent doing nothing exceptional.
I sleep, wake, eat, laugh, talk, think, walk, study, read, write, smile, hug, frown, kiss, and watch. Then, a new day dawns, and I do all of this over again.
Sometimes, it feels as if God's plan for my life has not been kicked into motion yet. Is all the sleeping, waking, walking, studying, laughing, talking, etc. a contributing factor in a great plan for me? I have been basically doing what I've always done. Most days can't be an important part of the plan, right?
Wrong. Oh, so wrong.
This beautiful verse in Psalms contradicts every part of that statement. God delights in EVERY DETAIL of my life. Every detail. Every. Single. One.
It's like I am walking on a path. In some parts of the path there are roots sticking up out of the ground, and I trip and fall. In other parts of the path, the sun bathes my skin in warmth, and there is breathtaking scenic wonders. On the path, in some places, the trail is wide enough for a friend. However, in some places, the way is narrow, so I have to walk it alone. In numerous spots, rain can pour down, chilling me to the bone and making me want to turn back. Hills can get steep. Soil can get rocky. There are moments where I skip and run. Moments where I crawl.
Then there are moments where I can stroll. The path is comfortable, predictable even. I see the same things I always see. I walk at the same pace I always do. It does not even feel like I am walking on a path at all. I am just walking with no destination in mind.
However, all of that can change. Something new and different could be just around the bend.
And if not, I am still walking on the path...even if I feel differently sometimes.
Every day is part of the path or plan. Every moment has been perfectly planned out by Him. Every conversation, laugh, tear, smile, or frown is part of the life he set out for me since before I was born.
It's such a beautiful plan. It's such an exceptional path.
This is wonderful!! I feel this way too. Sometimes I love the path, sometimes I hate the path, but at the end of the day--it's my path--and that has to mean something.