My Uncle Bill is probably the funniest man alive. With his perfectly timed, witty remarks, he can have me choking on my water in three seconds flat. But, he also makes me think. He has a heart for missions, and he spends his life in service to others. I can only hope that my life can have the impact that his has had in the community in which he lives.
My Aunt Stephanie is a petite firecracker. She seems small and sweet (which she is!), but she packs a punch! Smart, sassy, Southern to the core...she is the Queen of that house. However, the love that her sons and husband have for her is written all over their faces.
Then there are my cousins. At 17 and 20, "my boys" constantly make me smile. Daniel will be transferring to USC in the Fall. Because he is tall, quiet, and serious, at first glance you would wonder how in the world he is related to us! Then, you hear his dry, sarcastic wit and see the grin sweep across his face. At that moment, his place in the family becomes crystal clear. He is a man of silent strength, hidden sensitivity, and wisdom beyond his twenty years.
Nathan is a kindred spirit. Like me, he is the youngest sibling, dramatic, and full of emotions. Also, he is one of the most creative and imaginative people that I know. An artist, pianist, cook, baker, cartoonist, and comedian, he is charismatic and never meets a stranger. If you want to cry from laughter, listen to his imitations of famous people or family members.
It is amazing how family just fits. As I sat eating a dinner of fish and grits with these four people, I realized how blessed I was to be laughing and talking with them. My Aunt and Uncle have watched me grow up. My cousins and I spent tons of Saturdays playing Star Wars and Legos or climbing trees and chasing each other with fake guns. I witnessed Nathan's Buzz Lightyear phase. I was at Daniel's highschool graduation. In May, they all will be sitting in the audience at my college graduation.
As we scraped the last bit of grits out of our bowls, piano tunes and laughter mingled with the sound of silverware, These are the sounds of family. These are the sounds of blessings...blessings given that are much more than what I deserve.
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