My birthday is March 31. So yes, this blog is no longer accurately titled. However, since its contents will focus mainly on the events of yesterday, I hope people will let it slide.
There is nothing like a birthday (even one in which said person is turning twenty-two)to make you feel like a small child again!
With the stress of three tests (Religion, American Literature, and Shakespeare: What a mix!!) heavily on my mind, I was not quite sure if my birthday would be a day of happiness or anxiety. Silly me! I forget what good gifts my Heavenly Father gives to His children!
Even though I had to wake up SUPER early in order to get some studying done, the first thing my sleep-filled eyes saw after turning off the alarm on my phone was a text message from a friend. This 4:48 AM "Happy Birthday!" greeting just started the day off with such optimism!
Then, there was the traditional singing phone call from my wonderful parents. Now, after twenty-two years, you think I would come to expect it, and it would become some routine. No. Not for me, at least. Upon seeing my Mom's name flash on my caller ID, I literally giggled with anticipation.
That was the just the start. The start of the calls, voicemails, texts, and Facebook comments that reinforced a single idea: I am blessed! Once I finished my three tests, another class, and library research, I hit the road for home. With the whimsical tunes of Eisley cranked up on my stereo, I basked in the warmth of a sun that had FINALLY decided to show its bright face.
Once at home, there were cards to be read, gifts to be opened, and hugs to be received. There was the traditional dinner with the parentals and the best friend/best friend's PRECIOUS husband. There was birthday coffee with mighty women of God.
And then, there was simply me: a smile plastered on my face and joy firmly rooted in my heart and soul because of the gift of TODAY. To me, birthdays are reminders that God loves me and has blessed me far more than I can ever adequately explain! Even when I spend the rest of my life singing His wonders and telling of His love, I can never touch the depth of just how much He loves me, just how much He loves us.
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