Friday, July 9, 2010

Something good...

While I was praying in church on Sunday, I got the clearest picture in my head. Mental images don't normally pop into my head while praying... so I figured that meant to pay close attention. It was the image of a pumpkin (YES, the kind carved on Halloween!) and basically I saw a hand scooping all of the goo, string, and seeds out of it.
It hit me... this is what God is doing with me. He is taking out all of the things that don't belong there. This is the grossest part of carving a pumpkin, and likewise, it is the worst part of life sometimes. When God is removing clumps of character traits, it is never fun, but we should remember that the fear, worry, self absorption, the insecurity, and all of the other goo He is removing hinder us.
However, when I shared this picture with a good friend of mine, she reminded me that the strings can be used for pumpkin pie... and the seeds can be roasted for a delicious snack. So, even the stuff that needs to be removed, the insecurities, the fear, the worry... ALL of our weaknesses are used for HIS PURPOSE. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses!

What a beautiful picture of God making something good out of something bad. :)

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